Grow younger! How cool! Let’s affirm, “Thank you body for being and feeling healthy and for growing younger every day.” Excuses be-gone! A little bit of time can make a big impact. You deserve it!

Okay, are you ready for some small, consistent steps to show yourself some love? Besides holistic nutrition, we all know that proper exercise and rest are critical to health and vitality. Here’s a few tips to help you feel your best:

  • Have a focus or goal to think about before saying you don’t have time or the energy to exercise or before having that second helping of food, the unhealthy snack or dessert. Remember your goal – for example, to lower your blood pressure, to have more energy, to sleep better, or to look great for the event you’ll be attending.
  • Start small to get a habit in place. Do yoga stretches for 5-10 minutes every morning. This is great for balance, core strength, and flexibility. Also walk fast for 10 minutes 6 days a week. This helps you develop healthy habits that will last.
  • As you get comfortable with that then increase incrementally until you are walking fast 3-7 times a week for at least 30 minutes. I use my walks as my ‘God-time’ or you can catch up with your partner or friend.
  • No time? No energy? No equipment? Dr. Oz says this is what you’ve been waiting for! Trainer Joel Harper designed this routine to create long, lean muscles, with the goal of giving you a strong, well-balanced, and flexible body. Do it three times a week, moving from one exercise right to the next to keep your heart rate up. They also recommend that you make walking 30 minutes a day a part of your life.
  • Did you know that proper nutrition accounts for 80-85% of successful weight loss? Though to maintain weight loss, it has to do with a combination of lifestyle factors, namely the Big 3: restful sleep, proper nutrition, and regular exercise.
  • Also, get your thyroid checked out. A hypothyroid condition contributes to weight gain. To nourish your thyroid, eat seaweed. Seaweed helps support your thyroid. Find a seaweed supplement or Superfood that has seaweed in it.  It has seaweed too! You can also order Thyroid Activator from Nature’s Sunshine. I suggest taking it as the bottle recommends.

Love, Suzette