How Do You Define Success?

How Do You Define Success?

Success – how do you define success? By the size of your paycheck, a large house, expensive car, or lots of toys? Do you define it by the quality of your relationships, the fact that you love your job, are passionately in service and are healthy?

This is one of those questions that will garner different answers from different people. And even different answers as you evolve on your spiritual journey. Keep in mind that energetically we live in an abundant universe. We can have it all, though, best not at the expense of your soul growth and inner harmony. Experiences allow you to learn and get clarity on what does and doesn’t feel good. Continually reevaluate if the payoffs are worth the sacrifices and stresses. Honor the spiritual evolving while you point yourself toward harmony in all areas of your life.

When you leave this Earth plane, the only thing that will matter is how much you grew your soul. Affirm daily that you are harmony, joy and prosperity in all areas of your life and let the creative universe guide you that way.

Love, Suzette