How Do We Move Easily Through Our Challenges?

How Do We Move Easily Through Our Challenges?

Let’s remember our power—we get to feel better no matter what our challenge. Ooh yes, we get to practice this one. Consider that accepting suffering and lack as temporary helps end suffering and lack. As a Spiritual Being having a human experience, our daily opportunity for inner peace and blessings is to embrace—accept—whatever experience we encounter. Embracing it doesn’t mean we want a setback to continue. It means we understand that accepting it without judging it as good or bad creates an energy field of “no resistance.” In that space of no resistance we are naturally vibrating and remembering more of who we really are—Pure Spirit—already whole, already love, already peace and already abundant. We attract what we vibrate, allowing the Divine to orchestrate whatever money, people or experiences are for our highest good.

The same holds true with our feelings. Since our goal is to create a space of no resistance, embrace anger or worry without judging them as good or bad. Again, our power is in first embracing the feeling and accepting it. Feel it. Honor it. In that space of no resistance the Divine can dissolve the root of those feelings and align better experiences for us. To create better feeling experiences we first get to accept whatever is showing up. All of your Power is within.

Now, go have fun Thr!ving!

Love, Suzette